Support True Community

causes worth your time

Executive Summary # ^

I need your help mainly for two matters: To keep people alive right now, and to build a better world for real, proving a different life is possible.
Find details below. Make a difference, today! How?

Whether you contribute just 10 Euros a month, or 1000, whether you end up building with us in person, or remain a secret benefactor, your support is invaluable.
There are urgent, mundane needs, and there's the project of a lifetime. Read as much as you want. Ask questions. There's no separation here.

Please share this page with friends and family. Every bit of reach helps!

About # ^

If you don't like reading, please jump to the first cause. Survival for all involved comes first, as mundane as it is.

To make my visions reality, I worked until collapse, saved every penny in complete disregard for health, But that wasn't remotely enough. I'm just one fellow. 'Boomer days' are over, lone wolves die.
The 21st century pays salesmen, and salesmen only, most everything revolves around it:
Selling yourself, selling others. Ingratiating yourself at work in hopes for a few bucks more, while presenting a fake smile to the 'valued client'. Even just for ego-tokens online!

I reject a world built on greed and lies, even to my own detriment. Working and caring exclusively for each other is better than being a useful fool in an abusive game. A game, where lying to yourself is mandatory, à la, "I'll make up for it, later.".
I fell for their lies myself. Being a 'high achiever', all that nonsense. Doesn't get you anywhere, unless you combine it with selling out. I always vehemently refused that, and casually turned down opportunities many dream of. Even at my worst, my values stayed consistent.

Learning the hard way that going solo wouldn't work, that I'd been grossly lied to, was painful. That I'd have to break every moral fiber of my being to amass the funds myself. No tribal elders to tell me the truth. Too indoctrinated to open my eyes after the first betrayal, the second, the third. Modern 'culture' is specifically designed for maximum indoctrination, it's hard to break the spell alone. It took many more.

It's hilariously easy to change lives. To uproot entire countries. Eliminate poverty, and virtually all man-made suffering. Media and governments always pretend, "It'd require too many resources." Nonsense. If you exclude the excess, and the deranged Zeitgeist, there's so much available, it forces you to ask, "Why don't they fix it, then?".
Simple: My concept only works with genuine people. I'm giving it to you straight, without separation. They compulsively lie. Force of habit. You'll never see me in exotic $100,000 'designer' clothing, like the media's favorite 'climate' family. Or spend a million on dinner like EU 'leaders', while ordinary people dig through trash to eat! (>1M are officially homeless in the continent's 'richest' state!) Even 'small timers', like local 'youtube stars', make enough money off of systematic ad manipulation to completely, and utterly eradicate poverty in multiple countries. There are too many excuses to debunk here, but another common one is that, "it wouldn't work, it'd destabilize the economy.". So their economy requires suffering? Interesting.
We must ask: What do we really want, and need?

Love, food, and shelter.

Simple as that. They can keep their hi-def toaster.

Achieving this is very doable with genuine people.
Plenty of established religious groups prove that. I find it hard to reach out, though. The internet obstructs real connections. It's vital you share this with friends, and family, for real. Sit down, talk, get them on board. Yes, it'd be infinitely easier to gather funds, if I got some 'marketing', pushed 'click-bait', and promised the moon. But after reading the above, you already know me well enough to see how that wasn't an option.

The maintainer of the website may change. We're internally consistent, and I trust my brother like myself, so let me extend a warm "Thank you!" for reading from all of us.

Causes # ^

Survival # ^

food, shelter, health

A constant struggle for bare necessities. Funds go towards a sustainable, permanent setup.

more details

It's an easy math problem: There have to be enough contributors to reach critical mass. Once reached, basics can easily be considered solved for good. That's what no one ever tells you. Almost everything out there is fake, and simple business, not charity. We don't pretend: It doesn't take that much. We'll mark this point as solved, once it is. And focus our efforts on building something bigger, for more people to partake in. Unlike those 'influencers' collecting 'donations', when they're already in the 0.1%. Then they 'donate' a miniscule percentage, on cam, of course, and are celebrated for nothing. Mindblowing hypocrisy. If you make minimum income, and donate just 10 Euros, you contribute more in % than any of those!
Rest assured, our minimalism is legit, and funds are used properly. If you're close, and the situation allows, you can visit, and see for yourself.

Even, if you don't care for the bigger project, please contribute to this. We'll update you, once the initial food/shelter/health matters are guaranteed. Then you can decide, if you want to continue, write history, and prove that a different life is possible. As long as there's any time left besides the other work, we can also always find someone else who needs a real brother. There's plenty to do!


But till then, it's this dreary wave between, "Hooray! Today, we'll eat real food!", and, "Dang, again, nothing to eat. Tomorrow, we can get some indescribable factory mush again, just sit tight." Being the madlad I am, I tried all sorts of things. (Tip: Don't touch that powdered hipster stuff, it's a lie on so many levels. Even takeout is probably healthier, and cheaper.) Growing up in this era, my first thought was, of course, "How can I solve this on a technical level?". But the math is clear: We need more income, period. No analysis magic can fit a square peg in a round hole, or replace real food. Nutritionists with much more time, and resources tried to survive on minimum income in 2010 or so, and failed. The life expectancy for this caste is as clear as disturbing. Exploited to the last drop of blood, then discarded. Nobody counts these bodies.


A result of previous, never-resolved government abuse, and long-term malnutrition. This is a lot more expensive to fix, but also pretty doable. Contrary to popular belief, European healthcare is anything, but 'free', at least not anywhere we've been. If you need a doc that actually cares the tiniest bit, you pay thousands. It's extremely easy to get zombie-pills, though. Takes less than a minute. Many people get toxic prescriptions, and sell them to junkies. One way to make enough money to live, but we reject that. Most issues can be resolved via nutrition, but that's more expensive than the toxic prescriptions that keep you crippled for life. This is where the healthcare system's funds are flushed to. Then they claim there's not enough for real care. An ingenious wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. Blood money.


One of those issues that turns your stomach inside out. We're fine with minimalism. A cabin in the woods without electricity. Even a sturdy tent. Office stuff can be done in a tiny apartment in the nearest city. The bigger project solves this gracefully, and for more people. An interim fix just for this cause requires ordinary rentals, which only fattens up 'investors', and 'landlords'.
Stability is a big concern. Depending on the timeline, and speed of contributions, there are different reasonable approaches. Small, individual rentals cost most, and aren't a permanent fix.
One more reason to contribute today, and share with your trusted ones! Normally, I'm all for oldschool slow-pace, but here, speed is key to reaching critical mass, and minimizing total cost. Cost ratios are exponential, both ways.


This currently applies to others, and myself. I share whenever there is enough income to do so. Even, after our own situation is stabilized, the work doesn't have to end. Real effort. It's simple to find people in need (Even though many are locked up in their urban hellholes, like us.). It's a good task, worthy of doing. Unlike everything else out there, you can know your contributions are used for real, because I invite you to just join us, if possible. It's not a one-off gag thing for 'youtube' scams. I've spent thousands of hours helping strangers, and I don't regret it. Say no to profit motives.

Community Village # ^

a different life is possible

A real life community based on family structures of old. In harmony with nature. Minimalist, and relentlessly genuine.

more details
exit the modern world - embrace true life

When you cut out the filth that are greed and ego, you're left with harmony, and joy beyond your wildest dreams. For centuries, various religious groups have demonstrated how wonderful life can be, if you give yourself to others. Truly magical. They all require affiliation with established religion, though. We find this hard to accept in this era of seemingly no help from 'God'. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact, we encourage honest, hard lines.
We think we can be more open in that regard, yet simultaneously more traditionalist. With a strong focus on nature, minimalism, massive conviction, and your support, we're certain we can set an example of what can be done.

tasks, not jobs

Work exclusively for each other, without abuse tok€n$, suits, separation. Not for some ill-defined 'greater good' or whatever status quo is trendy - but real, tangible life, and love.
No, we're not unorganized 'hippies'. We've very much grown up in this mechanical, dehumanizing system, where everything's quantified, institutionalized. Being wholly private, free from bureaucracy, we work on tasks that matter. Each according to his needs, each according to his ability. This does not refer to existing ideologies. We're far beyond that. It's the natural, only logical conclusion. It can be argued for from many sides, though we're beyond arguing, and intellectual escapism in ivory towers.


We discover our true purpose in quiet meditation, and lively dance. In everyday interactions. Chores? No way! It's a great blessing to care for each other, instead of enriching politicians, and 'CEOs'. Work was never an issue. Intent makes or breaks it. If it benefits your tribe, all tasks are joyful in their own way. Mothers can be mothers. We remove 'jobs', and focus on tasks that need doing. No imaginary, abusive, and openly useless 'service economy'.
No separation between the guy managing bureaucratic matters, and the one who just cleaned the outhouse. Both tasks must be done, both are valuable.

learning how to live

We're the lost generations. Let's be honest: We have no useful skills. Tech only brought us suffering.
Let us explore what once was common to all folk! Everything we truly need, we can create ourselves. For each other. Never beyond need.

We don't need much. In fact, the closer we get, the less we need. Only modern, hyperindividualist fools require distractions to cope with their emptiness. There are enough real tasks to do for a thousand years to come. Real tasks. We have no artificially fabricated needs. Pure work for each other is highly enjoyable and never ending.

helping others

Genuinely. Some of us worked in tech, finance, science, and other 'suit' areas. We know every single bigger public org is fake. We've seen it. We've felt the immeasurable disappointment, when our basic childhood trust was shattered, when we were expected to perpetuate exploitation.
We know the math, and how simple it is to effect change, if you really wanted. Yes, funding is required, but it's far closer than you might think. Even small time 'youtube stars' make enough money off of systematic ad manipulation to end poverty in entire countries without breaking a sweat.
It's not a hard technical problem. The question is whether you're fake, or not.
The power of many contributors combined allows us to break the entry barriers the system enforces. After that, there's no holding back.

truth and valor

We work for genuine love, and couldn't care less about those with nothing better to do than parroting the Zeitgeist.
Study just recent history, and you'll find the same ardent supporters of current trends were on the other side a mere decade ago. Their so called 'morals' and 'facts' come wrapped in plastic. One conscience-to-go, please.
Not with us. Neither ego, nor purse to bribe. Keep your awards, and your hi-def toaster.

Genuine 'opinion', for the lack of a better word, allows for genuine battle. Something not seen in decades, thanks to mechanized 'humans'. We can argue every single point without fear, and did so silently with ourselves for many years. We likely asked more questions than critics could come up with.
This is not a matter of some chicken-wing-of-the-day vs. another. We believe in timeless values. Even, if you happen to be a modern trend-follower, or don't agree with traditionalism, you should still support us for what else we stand for. You won't find anyone more genuine, that's guaranteed. 'Left', or 'right', all the chicken-wings can agree on some things. Support us for the part you like, see it flower.

CHIP # ^

industrial society and its future (?)

A digital group effort about our dystopian era, without conflicts of interest. No ads, no 'feel-good-shilling' for ego, no DroneVPN lies.

more details
no ego, no conflicts of interest, straight talk

Information sharing, guides, philosophy. Without the egomania you find elsewhere. No selling out, neither for money, nor internet-ego. Most authors don't even want to be named.
Plain and straight as it should be.

free services

Various community services have been operating in secret for years, and help in daily life. Purely functional, for those forced to use digital tools (aka, most). Again, none of the modern nonsense, all of the pragmatism. Run in the most cost efficient manner possible. With more available funds, this could be improved by consolidating servers, and moving from discounters in western states to regular DCs in less intrusive ones.
Why secret? Keeping most things private, sharing many accounts, and never linking more than necessary, prevents attacks. Everything has security issues, even trillion dollar companies get 'hacked'. We don't pretend to have some special security. Particularly modern 'trolls', 'cancelers' often go great lengths to hurt someone. Plausible deniability by default is a common sense defense.


If you are knowledgeable about a subject, or simply want to publish thoughts that align with us in general, you're very welcome to send in drafts. We can work on it together. It doesn't have to be 'high-level', it's probably even best to consider our naive non-techie brothers, and sisters first.

backlogged articles

Due to the ongoing survival situation, there's a huge backlog of articles, and editing. It's been understandably less important, than keeping everyone alive.


Depending on how the contribution efforts go, we can go different paths.
What do you want to happen? Digital 'entertainment', or change on the ground?
Even genuine content is ultimately merely a way to pass the time. The sooner we can build a real alternative village, the better.

Producing genuine 'content' is not very helpful in achieving survival, or funding the bigger project. Without the typical 'monetization' strategies, it means we spend innumerable hours on research, and editing, just to get ripped off in a heartbeat by 'ai', and 'SEO' scammers who have no qualms.
Tell us what you'd like to see. We're purpose-driven.

Writing about specific issues, and concerns you have, can be a valuable community task.
Producing random 'content' without 'monetization', not based on readers' needs, is a waste of time better spent working on the bigger project, or simply helping grateful strangers with mundane tasks.

We generally prefer oral tradition, like the ancients. It's infinitely more personal, human. The written word is most often an inopportune abstraction, distanced, lifeless. In digital, ephemeral, unlogged chat comes closest to it.

How # ^

As directly as possible, so we don't waste needlessly on fees. Thank you, dear contributor, and thanks to the people helping with accounts!
Send a message to get account details! (not public due to abuse)

Easiest: PayPal, allows recurring (Reliability is key to calculate efficiently!)
Cheapest: SEPA (free, allows recurring, EUR only),, bank transfer
'wise' is cheapest internationally so far, but may demand silly verification in your state, and might not have a recurring feature.

Cash: Sending cash in letters is banned in many states, and they're often stolen. Insured letters can work. If non-EUR, very high fees to convert as a private person, if even possible. Requires proof of origin. Not that useful.
Crypto: Extremely high fees start-to-finish, and abusive KYC. We have no exchange accounts to get Euros. Specific amounts (500-1000 EUR) can sometimes be converted in person, but finding someone still doing it 'oldschool' is a big gamble, after locals got violated by gov. You throw away a good 30%+ on spreads, and most will only do a specific range. Same proof of origin problem to use the resulting cash. Not that useful.

I understand you have a lot on your mind, and thinking of it each month can be troublesome. Just set up a recurring PayPal. It's not the most efficient, but reliability is vital.
When you're free, you can still do the cheaper ones additionally.
(Analyzing for maximum efficiency is far less important, than just doing it, and sharing with friends! All these options are cheaper, and better, than 3rd party 'donation' platforms. They cost even more fees.)

Contact # ^

Remain anonymous, if you wish: Use a different e-mail/nick for contributing, and there's no way to conclusively link you. Just a friendly stranger helping!


donations (AT) chip (DOT) icu
GPG key (If you don't know what GPG is, no worries, send a plain mail.)

More Privacy / Realtime

Ricochet is easiest, most private, and needs no account, but both must be online simultaneously.
Send an e-mail to arrange a time, if you'd like a more active chat. We have other platforms for group chats, too.

Stay In Touch

Ask how it goes at any time. Or just say, "Hi". It's always a good time to have a friendly chat. For now, this is basic survivalism, but even, when it's big, and logistics come into play, we'll be approachable.